Andrew Logan’s 50th Alternative Miss World
Andrew Logan and 2022 AMW winner Miss Golden Girl.
“Naked bodies bouncing their beautiful flesh on stage, slogan-clad and golden capes, shiny body suits mimicking animal forms, shockingly loud laugh-out reveals, routines seemingly choreographed in the moment yet finding their very own rhythm to the brass band’s contemporary tunes with a 1970s twist that fills the ranks of the theatre part movie-theme tune, part burlesque accompaniment, part pompous anniversary celebration.”
“This years’ deserved winner is the wonderful Miss Golden Girl, AKA Andrew Logan’s sister Janet Slee, the only contestant that has attended the AMW contest every year since its start.”
“Zandra Rhodes is responsible for designing the female half of Andrew Logan’s costume, designer duo Whitaker Malem the male half - now for several consecutive years.”
Andrew Logan’s 50th Alternative Miss World
All Gold at Shakespeare’s Globe
Gold. That is the theme of artist extraordinaire Andrew Logan’s 50th Alternative Miss World (AMW) contest of 2022, carried out at Shakespeare’s Globe theatre in London. For the fiftieth time, contestants showcase their uniquely distinct talent in a combination of outrageous dress, liberating movement and straight-out sparkling craziness. We at The Protagonist had exclusive access capturing unique images of the weird and wonderful backstage. Naked bodies bouncing their beautiful flesh on stage, slogan-clad and golden capes, shiny body suits mimicking animal forms, shockingly loud laugh-out reveals, routines seemingly choreographed in the moment yet finding their very own rhythm to the brass band’s contemporary tunes with a 1970s twist that fills the ranks of the theatre part movie-theme tune, part burlesque accompaniment, part pompous anniversary celebration. Amongst all this stands Andrew Logan himself, overseeing the spectacle dressed half woman half man. Zandra Rhodes is responsible for designing the female half, designer duo Whitaker Malem the male half - now for several consecutive years. This year, the male half reminds of a regal space-age anachronism in beautifully gold-painted leather, the female half references curly rococo hair and features Rhodes’ famous pleats. To Logan’s side are Britpop legend Jarvis Cocker and Scarlett Cannon, one of the key iconic faces of the 1980’s new romantic scene as the The Scintillating Secretary, announcing contestants throughout the three categories of day wear, swimwear and evening wear. Judges are sat atop the stage, amongst them the last AMW-contest winner Andrey Bartenev, artist extraordinaire Grayson Perry, designer Pam Hogg, Anna Goodman, Zandra Rhodes, Duo Vision, Roy, Celia Birtwell, film director Tim Yip and his silent companion the mannequin Lili.
This years’ deserved winner is the wonderful Miss Golden Girl, the only contestant that has attended the AMW contest every year since its start. For almost six hours the Globe theatre is filled with joy, music, group meditation, and the jumble of the excited crowd – each and every one left with a touch of gold dust by the end of the night.

All images copyright Ram Shergill. If used on social media Ram Shergill should be credited as photographer @ramshergill, and Daen Palma Huse as set designer of the painted set @dphproduction. If your image is shown above and you wish to be credited, please get in touch via email to